That is a Nice Boulder

Good Morning and welcome back to the week. Everyone please groan together.

I will be working my full work week (off Friday per usual), but then Monday is a holiday! Yippeeeeee for holidays. That week I took off Thursday and Friday for my move, so next week I’ll only be working 2 days. You would think I would be so relieved, but moves are stressful!

Anyway so this week I will keep thinking okay one full work week, then I have 4 straight days to relax and start packing! If those things go together.

Yesterday I started my morning with more cleaning. I usually do this in one full sweep on one of my days off, but I did it in little batches this weekend instead. I had coffee, made myself a fluff, and had a kashi bar before snapping some pics then hitting the road with my girl.

So I am showing this picture to show you pictures lie and it's all about angles. My body almost looks distorted here. Never compare yourself to models, magazine pics, etc. It's all how you pose and of course airbrushing!
So I am showing this picture to show you pictures lie and it’s all about angles. My body almost looks distorted here. Never compare yourself to models, magazine pics, etc. It’s all how you pose and of course airbrushing!

But here is Phoebe and I before leaving my place

Fluffy girl! My hair is pretty fluffy too. The weather here is muggy and gross, therefore my hair is a mess. I've never had problems with frizz until I hit my late 20s!
Fluffy girl! My hair is pretty fluffy too. The weather here is muggy and gross, therefore my hair is a mess. I’ve never had problems with frizz until I hit my mid to late 20s!

Once we arrived at G-Mamas, I decided to go to BJs for a little grocery shopping. I really needed to stock up on veggies for the week. My fridge was starting to get pretty bare!

Mostly all clean items! Minus the creamer, some things I just won't give up
Mostly all clean items! Minus the creamer, some things I just won’t give up

In the parking lot I was putting the last few fragile items in the front seat of my car and then this happened…

Nooooo not my flatbread pitas!
Nooooo not my flatbread pitas!

All over the pavement. The bag was open! I’m actually glad this happened because I wouldn’t have known the seal was broken if they didn’t fall out. I would have had to throw them away at home. I went back inside and they swapped them out for me. Hey that’s 4 bucks!

Back at G-Mamas I had a snack before hitting the gym which included 2 of these and an apple

quest bar heated up for 15 seconds. Like an ooey gooey cookie brownie
quest bar heated up for 15 seconds. Like an ooey gooey cookie brownie

Then I hit the gym! I started with a long 40 minute session on the elliptical then did some shoulder work

  • Smith shoulder press, 50-65 lbs, 8-12 reps x 4 sets
  • Smith upright row, 50-65 lbs, 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Smith shoulder shrugs, 135 lbs, 8 reps x 3 sets
  • Car drivers, 25 lb plate, 10 reps x 2 sets, then 10 lb plate, 12 reps x 2 sets
  • Pushups 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Rear delt raise, 17.5 lbs, 15 reps x 4 sets
  • Dumbbell scaption, 8 lb weights, 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Front arm circles, 8 lb weights, 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Cable Face Pulls, 40-50 lbs, 10-12 reps x 4 sets
  • Cable diagonal cable cross pull (delts), 15 lbs, 10 reps x 4 sets each arm
  • Bench anti gravity press laying prone, 22 lb bar, 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Bench front delt raises laying prone, 22 lb bar, 10 reps x 4 sets
Shoulders laying on the bench
Shoulders laying on the bench
  • Rotator cuff abduction, 20 lb weights, 10 reps x 4 sets

Wow those shoulders!

Boulder shoulders "I like that boulder, that is a NICE boulder"
Boulder shoulders “I like that boulder, that is a NICE boulder”

I finished with 12 minutes on the stairmaster. Nothing difficult, just a steady little climb.

Stay small waist!
Stay small waist!

After some stretching, I headed back to see my baby, packed up my groceries, and we headed home!

I bought Phoebe these treats at the store but she didn’t care for them too much. She prefers a bone any day

She's not big on chicken breast or things like this! Weird huh? She likes dry dog food, rawhides, or....
She’s not big on chicken breast or things like this! Weird huh? She likes dry dog food, rawhides, or….


Green bean pup
Green bean pup

Phoebe is so weird, she loves green veggies. Especially spinach and asparagus. I guess because I eat them so much that she wants what mama has. I feed them to her all the time because they are good for her! Bite for me, bite for Phoebs šŸ™‚

I ended my Sunday with a much needed meal prep.

Sunday meal prep in full force.
Sunday meal prep in full force.

This is for the next 4 work days up until I get home from the gym. Only thing missing from the picture are my protein shakes (I like to make fresh in the morning).

This week I am going to publish a post on how to meal prep. I know it sounds silly, but I am asked all the time how I do this, how much, etc. I will break it down for you guys. All the pictures have been taken, I just need to upload, edit, and write it! My posts take some time because I put my heart and soul into each entry. I don’t just sit and write non-sense, I like it to be meaningful.

In the meantime, enjoy my recipe for my Peach Mango Vinaigrette. I ate it again last night on another salad. So delicious and refreshing. The perfect summer salad dressing.

Yummy peach mango vinaigrette. Mixed using Lucy of course!
Yummy peach mango vinaigrette. Mixed using Lucy of course!

Enjoy the week. Here in Maryland it’s supposed to be rainy and gross! Look at this šŸ™

I'm inside anyway, but I don't like the look of this. Plus that means afternoon traffic
I’m inside anyway, but I don’t like the look of this. Plus that means afternoon traffic

XOXO With a Cherry On Top,


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  1. Liz @FitLizzy

    Your shoulders are BEASTS today! Great work! And thank you much for that salad dressing recipe. It looks amazing! I’m currently addicted to Ken’s Dressing and I know I should be putting better things on my salad so I can’t wait to give this a try.

    1. Katie

      I know I loved Ken’s! Until I read the ingredients. Yikes. This is so much better for you and still tastes good

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